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Counterpoint: Brunch at SLoW

It’s still taking me some time to get back in the swing of things and writing more, but here I am, giving it another go.

This time, I decided to revisit SLoW.  You see, I've trotted through their doors a fair bit, but this occasion marked only the second time I braved their brunch. Why only the second time, you ask? Well, the brunch menu is on Sunday-only and I do like my sleep.

(Ed. Note: Slow brunch is actually everyday and it just Sunday )

The memory of my first brunch experience at SLoW is as elusive as the last French fry at the bottom of the bag, which is another reason I checked it out. Thankfully, Tolani wrote something on it last year. You can give that a read if you fancy.

On this sunny day, I kicked things off with their Guacamole. Now, this isn't a brunch special on the brunch menu. Just your run-of-the-mill guacamole that screams "I'm here, and I'm a starter!" Sadly, there's no photographic evidence of this because, well, who photographs guacamole? But let me tell you, the guacamole at SLoW is need of a salt intervention. It's a battle I've long given up on. I've come to accept their guacamole like a disappointing, under-seasoned child: you love it, but you know it could do better.

Next up was the Latin Breakfast, a dish that boasts a grandiose name and an even grander promise: A COMPLETE BREAKFAST. Here's the roll call: black beans stew, avocado, tostones, sausage, tortillas, and your choice of eggs.

Sounds pretty promising, right?

Well, I'll give it to them: the Latin breakfast didn't disappoint. In fact, I snagged the last one, making me feel like the chosen one for the day. Word to the wise, book it early - they don't make these in batches like Amala at White House.

Now, I was half-expecting a huevos rancheros situation, but the ensemble before me worked just as well. The tortilla was a showstopper, a far cry from those store-bought knockoffs I had to endure at some unnamed establishment. However, I couldn't help but feel something was amiss. A Picante sauce, a salsa, or something with a kick would've really tied the whole dish together. Instead, I was left wanting, for lack of a better word.

And let's talk about the beans, or rather, the lack thereof. The menu claimed this was a black beans stew situation. In reality, it was more of a "Where's Waldo" scenario, but replace Waldo with beans and have more potatoes than you can shake a stick at.

Now, I can't forget to mention the service. On this particular day, it do I put this nicely…unusually chaotic. Food came late, and the distribution of dishes among my group was as uneven as my beard. It was a disappointing show from SLoW, a place I usually hold in high regard.

To wash down the highs and lows of the brunch, I opted for the Light & Tight cocktail. A contradiction in terms, this cocktail is the perfect choice for those trying to maintain the illusion of health while getting their drink on. It might not be for everyone, but it’s definitely refreshing.

In conclusion, SLoW remains a favorite despite the brunch debacle. But, let's just say their breakfast isn't going to be winning any Michelin stars anytime soon. As they say, "slow and steady wins the race," but in this case, SLoW