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DIY Beauty Hacks From Your Kitchen

In a world where aesthetics are everything, individuals have always been on the lookout for easy and effective ways to get the best out of their physical appearances. Healthy hair and skin is in an investment and as with most investments, it can be pretty expensive. Between your monthly bills, unplanned rocks and general ‘I-Live-In-Lagos-Wahala’, spending a bulk amount on skin care just isn’t feasible for most salary earners.

On the bright side, your lack of high-end skin and hair care products isn’t the end of your world as a baby girl/boy. It is possible to achieve a healthy and attractive physical appearance without breaking bank. How? You just have to take a short walk to your kitchen.


Rumour has it honey was an integral part of Cleopatra’s beauty arsenal and it’s easy to see why. Honey – particularly raw honey – is one of the most versatile beauty products.

Honey is beneficial to both skin and hair care. It’s full of antioxidants which significantly slow down the aging process, minimising the appearance of age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Honey is also antibacterial and therefore beneficial to the treatment of acne and other bacterial skin irritations. As a humectant – a product that draws in moisture – honey keeps the skin and hair moisturised for longer periods when used in skin/hair masks. Let’s not even talk about that glorious honey glow!

As a simple mask, apply honey as is to your skin or hair and leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. If you want to have some fun, you can combine honey with numerous household items including oats, brown sugar, and coconut for all kinds of scrubs, cleansers and face masks.

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is a must-have if you’re into DIY beauty hacks. This is one product that does literally everything where skincare is concerned. From exfoliating to moisturizing and even lightening of dark spots, brown sugar can be used for almost all skincare needs.

Brown sugar contains a chemical known as glycolic acid which is the smallest molecule of a popular skincare component, AHA (Alpha-Hydroxy Acid). Glycolic acid promotes new cell growth and takes off dead skin cell giving your skin a radiant, well-deserved glow.

To exfoliate with brown sugar, combine brown sugar with raw honey and distribute evenly over skin, rubbing in circular motions. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. This mix can be used as both a body and lip scrub!

For those worried about the coarseness of brown sugar, its granules are softer and gentler than sea salt and granulated sugar therefore, a better option.


In many Eastern cultures – especially India – turmeric is an invaluable herb in the preparation of numerous beauty masks and elixirs for both skin and hair. This can be attributed to the fact that turmeric is brimming with vitamins and minerals including Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. It’s also chock full of antioxidants which aid in keeping those horrible wrinkles at bay.

Turmeric is also anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, making it the perfect option for individuals who suffer from acne or skin diseases which cause redness and puffiness such as eczema. The presence of curcumin, a powerful antioxidant, in turmeric gives it the ability to improve blood circulation, lighten scars and revitalise dry patches skin.

For individuals who suffer from dandruff and dry scalp, turmeric can aid in soothing your distressed scalp while combating dandruff. It also aids in stimulating hair growth and preventing hair loss. Turmeric is a spice that keeps you a spice; the perfect double-duty food item.

To prepare a simple turmeric mask, mix equal parts turmeric and honey and apply on areas with blemishes – acne scars, pimples, dark circles, anything. Leave the mix on for 20 minutes and rinse off with cool water.

To stimulate hair growth, mix equal parts turmeric and olive oil and apply to the scalp for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo as routine.


Sauf being healthy and nutritious, milk has been a staple in the beauty regimens of numerous societies – and for hundreds of years. Cleopatra – who at this point you have to admit had a pretty solid beauty regimen – was rumoured to bathe with the milk of 750 donkeys every day. Ugh, royalty. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

Milk contains numerous vitamins, minerals, and proteins – particularly keratin – all of which restore shine and lustre to skin and hair. Keratin aids in strengthening the structure of hair follicles as this is the protein it is made out of. Milk also contains AHA, making it an excellent option for exfoliating and removing debris from both skin and hair.

Pure milk is hydrating and soothing; it leaves your skin feeling softer and appearing brighter. It is important to note that lactic acid, a chemical component in milk, may sting individuals with sensitive skin. Proceed with caution.

Using milk for both skin and hair is a relatively straight forward process. Simply apply milk to choice area, leave on for a few minutes and rinse off.


Natural yoghurt is a delicious and incredibly healthy food option. What many aren’t aware of are its numerous benefits to both skin and hair.

Natural yoghurt — not Hollandia, Fresh You and friends — are an excellent addition to anyone’s natural skin and hair care repertoire.

Yoghurt boasts of mild astringent properties and also contains impressive amounts of zinc and lactic acid. These minerals and vitamins aid in keeping both the skin and hair very hydrated.

When applied to the skin, it aids in removing dead skin cells, reduces fine lines and tightens visible pores on the skin. When used in hair, it removes dandruff, nourishes the hair and relieves the scalp of itchiness.

To use yoghurt for your skin, simply apply the yoghurt on your skin and let it dry. Wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes. For your hair — particularly for treating dandruff — mix yoghurt and a few drops of lemon, apply to your scalp and let sit for an hour. Rinse and shampoo as usual.


It isn’t a coincidence that there are numerous lemon-infused skin and hair products available on the market these days. Lemon is nothing short of a beauty miracle.

Lemons are a rich source of numerous vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and calcium. These vitamins and minerals aid in keeping the skin, hair, and nails refreshed and revitalised. Lemons contain citric acid, a natural form of alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), a popular ingredient in many skin care products today. They are also chock full of antioxidants which aid in slowing the natural aging process.

Lemons are powerful astringents which help in motivating the pores to close, resulting in tighter and smoother skin. Their antiseptic properties aid in exfoliating dead skin cells, making them a perfect option for fighting dandruff and flakes on the scalp. Both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, lemons aid in soothing many forms of irritation and redness in the skin and hair.

To reap the benefits of lemons for your skin, simply rub a slice of lemon over areas of interest and rinse with warm water.

For hair and scalp, rinse with a mix of lemon and filtered water to get rid of unnecessary oils, and grease


Often regarded as a superfood, eggs are beneficial even when they are not being eaten.

Eggs are an amazing source of protein; they contain the entire range of amino acids! Eggs also contain every variation of vitamin B. Rich in Lutin and omega-3 fats, eggs are excellent at keeping the hair and skin healthy, hydrated and refreshed.

The high concentrations of protein in eggs make it particularly effective at repairing damaged tissues and firming skin. They also prove effective in rebuilding dry and damaged hair follicles.

Egg whites contain albumin, a protein which aids in tightening pores and firming skin; giving those who use this hack a younger, more youthful appearance. Albumin also removes excessive oils so if you’re one with oily skin, you might consider incorporating some egg whites into your beauty regimen.

Incorporating eggs into your beauty regimen is no difficult process. To enjoy the benefits of eggs on your skin, simply mix two eggs and one tablespoon of fresh, unflavoured yoghurt. Apply to skin and once dry, wash off. For hair, mix two eggs and one/two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to your hair — saturate your roots — and leave the mixture on for 30-35 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, wash and dry your hair. This will leave your scalp feeling refreshed and moisturised.