Someone Brought Subway to Lagos

Sub Delight

Arabella's place. Emma Abimbola Cole street, Lekki One, Lagos

0817 197 1297

NOSA: ...okay, not really. 

FOLLY: One of our own finally ripped off Subway and we couldn't be happier. 

NOSA: It's the most blatant of ripoffs. From the sandwich artists to the "Would your sub toasted?" to the bread options. Everything. 

Before you fight me in the comments, this is not actually a bad thing. Just keep reading. 

FOLLY: Actually not sure if Pret A Manger was the owner's vision because they have similar taglines "Here today, gone tomorrow". Anyway, Sub Delight opened over the weekend and Nosa and I were very excited to check it out, so I borrowed a big jeep for the day as Lekki was underwater. 

NOSA: I've actually had one of their subs for lunch before they opened this. They deliver so this counts as a "Work Lunch" also. I got the women in my office to order it everyday for a week too! These guys should pay me for referrals. 

Anyway, bad parts first...they didn't have any water. Like, no drinks at all. Well, they had their smoothie but it was warm because there was no ice either. Apparently, they haven't received supplies yet. But should you really open for business if you don't have water at all? That's essential and whatnot. 

FOLLY: I'll forgive them since it was their second day of existence but fam, I was parched and really needed water. I'm nice so I'll forgive them. 

NOSA: I'll give them a pass, however.

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FOLLY: The Subway comparisons start from as soon as you place your order and you're given a number of bread choices. I went with a 6-inch peri-peri chicken sub on herb and cheese bread and Nosa has the roast beef.

NOSA: The sandwich artists fold the ham EXACTLY like the subway ones do. They even have those little things to store the chicken portions like Subway does with their sweet onion chicken. 


FOLLY: Although the server deprived me the opportunity to get this toasted, I absolutely enjoyed it. Every component of the sandwich gets a thumbs up from me: the bread was legit, the chicken was tasty, and the veggies were fresh and crunchy and weren't wilting or anything funky. 

NOSA: Shouts to them for having roast beef on the menu. The veggies were fresh and they had ranch too. Beyond all that, the sub was actually pretty good. I know it's really easy to make a sub, but this was actually good. Better than the one I got when I ordered to my office. Clearly they've stepped it up a little. 

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FOLLY: It's a surprise no one else thought to do this first. I hope they do really well, if anything they are off to a good start. 

NOSA: It's a very well done Subway ripoff so they get ALLLLL the props. 

FOLLY: I do wish they had a better location with better visibility like something in the middle of Adeola Odeku close to offices and things but Lagos real estate is expensive so I can't knock it. 



6-inch Peri Peri - N1500

6-inch Roast Beef - N1800





It's within one of those Lekki malls so there's parking.


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